Friday, May 19, 2006

Quota - My thoughts

India is burning right now with great outrage over the OBC quota issue.

Firstly, lets face it. We, the upper castes (Note:I don't care a fuckin' shit of my Brahminism) have tortured the lower castes for more than 5000 years of history.

Now we expect that the lower castes should forget about it and live in harmony with everyone. Frankly, Does 5000 years of torture compare to 56 years of reservation?

These guys will always have resentment towards upper castes who tortured their ancestors on the name of 'god' and 'religion'.

Won't they be hating us for making them poor, giving them apathy, not providing them education. The upper castes had convinced the lower castes that their lives were useless and even God hates them and hence they were born in the caste they were.

All these wrong doings? And you want to end it in 56 years with granting of equal rights?

How can we expect that they won't get back at us? Why do we expect this anyway. Its just natures cycle of 'what goes around come around'. This has to happen. Let it happen. I am not opposing it. Even being a Brahmin I'm not opposing it.

However, I have a concern and a request.

India has just started gaining ground on the world frontier as a knowledge capitol and a economic powerhouse. The world's next wave of growth is only going to be fueled by India and China. No other country has any potential to do that.

With increasing wealth and prosperity India is definitely poised to become a world superpower. It took us 56 years to realise that free market economy and higher education can take us on the world map of rich and powerful nations.

Lets not break this positive run with dragging issues like casteism.

We need to come up with a Game Plan which can save the interests of the lower castes and still let us March forward with economic expansion. All I want the policitcians to do is come up with a win-win game plan which dosent harm the country and its people.

If you think its not possible to come up with such a plan. Here's one off the top of my head.

Convert everybody into Brahmins

Don't leave no lower castes in the population at all. Once everybody becomes a brahmin, this caste issue will dissappear.

Reservations should be everywhere. Not just in Govt and Education. Even in private companies

If Idea No 1 dosen't work then this is No 2.

There is nothing wrong in having reservations in private companies. We just need to make sure that only certain types of companies can be gives rights to do so.
For e.g. Only co's having huge revenue in a certain range can offer reservations in thier positions. Also, reservation hiring should be only on the lower rankings of the organizations and not on Managerial or critical positions.

Everybody comes into the organization on a lower level and has to figure out his own way to rise the ladder. This should apply to reservation hiries as well.

May be more thinking on such topics could bring in more agreeable ideas which will better suit both the lower and upper castes.

I'll be writing more on this topic in coming times as I think I might come out with some more good ideas to end this issue on a more agreeable front.


Anonymous said...

Why not have reservation based on economic conditions?

Anonymous said...

Yaar, you are a comedian! As well as being an ignoramus.

In the religious epic Mahabharata, Yudhisthira, is questioned by Yama in the form of a Yaksha, about what makes one a Brahmin. Yudhisthira, without hesitation, said that it is conduct alone that makes one a Brahmin.

The late Swami Krishnananda, the successor to Swami Sivananda and former head of Divine Life Society, noted the following about caste in his autobiography:

"While the caste system was originally evolved for the necessary classification of human duty in order to preserve the organic stability of society, its original meaning and its philosophical foundation was forgotten through the passage of time, and bigotry and fanaticism took its place through the preponderance of egoism, greed and hatred, contrary to the practice of true religion as a social expression of inner spiritual aspiration for a gradual ascent, by stages, to God Almighty. Vidura, famous in the Mahabharata, was born of a Shudra woman. But he had the power to summon the son of Brahma, from Brahmaloka, by mere thought. Which orthodox Brahmin can achieve this astounding feat? It is, therefore, necessary for everyone to have consideration for the facts of world-unity and goodwill, Sarvabhuta-hita, as the great Lord mentions in the Bhagavad Gita. Justice is more than law. No one's body is by itself a Brahmin, because it is constituted of the five gross elements,- earth, water, fire, air and ether. Else, it would be a sin on the part of a son to consign to flames the lifeless body of a Brahmin father. It is, therefore, not proper to victimise a colleague by an action plan of any religious community wedded to fundamentalist doctrines."