Friday, December 29, 2006

The Kohinoor row

Suddenly out of the blue we've waged a war for the return of the Kohinoor. What were we doing all this time ? Sleeping? Why didn't it bother us 50 years ago when we got Independence?

This is what i hate about our entire Indian civilization. Living in the past. Identifying heavily with the past. Whats wrong if we don't have that hira? Do we loose anything ? Or Do we gain anything?

Heritage. Crap! When we slowly and gradually lost independence in the 1700's and 1800's where was our pride and heritage? Why the fuck did we fight against each other and let the British take advantage of it ? Why didn't we protect our Heritage and sovereignty that time?

Lets get rid of the cloud of our past and try to do things which don't let us feel ashamed of us again and again. We've had a bad recent past and we've gotten out of it. Screw the Kohinoor. We don't want it. If Pakistan has claims upon it, let them get it. We've got too much to worry about. We got to get rid of poverty and march ahead in our quest of becoming a prosperous superpower. Fuck the Kohinoor. We don't need it.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006 - Review Desi Consultancy firms in the US/India

I've embarked on another small venture. This one is a simple forum where people can share their experiences of working with Desi consultancy firms in the US.

There is a lot of dirtiness which goes on in the Consultancy companies run by Desi's out here in US.
1) Some don't give H1B original papers to their employees.
2) Some in the fear that the employees will leave the firm immediately make them sign a contract.
3) Some hold up some part of their salary so that they don't leave immediately.
4) Some have horrible experiences since they are on bench and their employers don't get them a contract soon.

The list can go on and on. Specifically, students who switch from their F1 visa status to H1B status are special targets to harass since they are new to the game and can be exploited. is a site where people who have gone through such good/bad experiences can voice their opinions so that other people benefit from it. Its a simple user forum where you can write a review for others to be viewed and commented on.

Please note that the users can also put up 'good' reviews about their consultants.

I hope this finally becomes a mode to force these consultancy companies to play a fair game.