Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pope and the Muslims

Recently Pope made a comment while reading a text at some place which said that Mohammed had brought the biggest evil on the world.

This is disgusting. I think all Christians should give up Christianity on moral grounds. If the highest authority of your religion makes such ignorant comments it shows the narrow-mindedness of your religion and its core values. Orthodox Christians suck bigtime.

On the other hand, once again the Muslims showed to the world that they are still living in the 11th Century. Their angry reaction to the whole incident was overrated. They could have demanded an apology without burning down Churches and Chapels in the middle east.

If pope turns out to be an asshole why should Muslims respond to it in an assholish manner ?

I'm again reminded and convinced that Religion & God has nothing to do with Human life. Both the concepts are biggest conspiracy theories of all times.

Drop Religion and concept of God from your mind. Both do not exist.

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