Monday, October 17, 2005

Continuing to save our environment

By this time I've become paranoid to make an effort to save the environment. I've also taken some steps for it. No. I am not going to give you theory. This is me, who leads with practise ;-)

1) I've started keeping a jute bag in the dicky of my car. Whenever we buy anything on the way, I always avoid taking plastic bags. I make use of my jute bag.

Well, let me admit I haven't been 100% successful in this endaveour of mine. But I've got 70% hit rate. Not too bad for a starter I think.

2) I end up doing a lot of houseold chores during Saturday and Sunday. Earlier I used to do it by travelling on my car or my sis's scooter. I now use my bi-cycle. And let me tell you I have a 100% hit rate on this one.

Another blessing in disguise of (2) is my petrol costs have gone down from Rupees 2000 a month to 1600 Rupees.

I will make it a point to update every effort I take to this blog. Maybe, I will end up inspiring someone. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the UK, I am encouraged to take along old plastic bags when I visit supermarkets which charge for their bags!