Wednesday, February 28, 2007

MH Bank embarking on some new stuff - really creditable

Just read an article at . The article is linked here.

Maharashtra Bank, a bank which caters to the banking needs of mostly rural and urban Maharashtra is embarking upon a new Solar Loan Policy where-in they are willing to give loans to people who are willing to switch to solar power equipments at affordable interest rates.

Maharashtra has had a electricity shortage from times unknown. As a backlash of this there have been many programs started where-in people are being encouraged to explore alternative modes of energy so that the dependence on the State Electricity Board reduces considerably.

This program is one such example. Although the program concentrates on the needs of the rural areas, the loans are nevertheless available in urban areas as well.

Anybody who really feels about the environment should really go and check the terms of this loan and make use of this offer.

Its not many a times that these run-of-the-mill banks do such new and innovative programs.
In fact hardly any bank does it at all !

1 comment:

Sandeep said...


I attended an industry association meeting in Mumbai, where it came out that this "shortage" was actually not as large - or even as "real" - as was made out to be!! It was completely avoidable !!

It seems this is a political stunt to eventually force the Mah Govt to buy more expensive power from some private power generation companies .. !!