How was the Universe created?
I've reached new levels today in understanding, How the universe was created. The question which is haunting the mankind for centuries in the past and which is going to haunt the mankind for all the time to come has finally been solved by good old me!
So the thing is, the theory that somebody created this universe is absurd as far as my mind can think of. Because, it leaves a circular question open. If X created the universe then who created X? And this question can go on and on and on. So, I refute creationary theories completely and won't bother about them here.
Next, assume that what ever you see as created never really existed. The earth, the stars, the planets, the galaxies and the nebula's, everything. Assume for a while that all that your mind understands as 'creation' just disappears. So what is left now? Total darkness and emptyness, right?
What is left? Nothing. Right? Now what is this Nothing? As far as our minds can perceive 'Nothing' its just absence of 'everything'. If everything disappears, what is left is deep dark space. Fathomless emptyness.
Now, max you can conclude is, out of this emptyness our universe was created. How? Don't bother about that. We will focus our quest to the base. The root, rather than the fruit. Once the root is sorted out, the fruit can be reached.
Next. Can anybody create this emptyness? Absence of everything is presence of this deep dark space. Now 'Nothingness' does not need creation. I mean c'mon its nothingness after all. How can you create nothingness. At least I'm convinced on the fact that 'Nothingness' needs no creation and hence bothering about where it came from and what is it there for is crap and waste of your time.
So, however far the physicists reach in concluding the birth of the universe a final explanation with proofs cannot be ever available.
Hence today, in a final revelation, the final light has dawned and I conclude that this existence never began in the first place and hence will never end. It never was created and hence will never be destroyed.
Hope this explanation made some sense. At least it makes sense to me.