From Confusion to Clarity
Today I've finally made a definitive decision over the biggest confusion a software professional in India faces.
I've met 100's of guys in London and now Houston who are staying onsite from years together. They came as singles and are now married (some of them with kids too). They'd love to go to India and settle down but they give me this reason and stick around endlessly.
There is more opportunity in the US. Also, going back to India, they won't earn as much money. So stick around.
Now, for those who think "It'll be great living in US", here is a real life eyewitness state of Indian people in US.
You can't really pull out the culture out of the people. So, Tamilians would stick with there jaat bhais and so would Kerelaites. In reality, all South Indians live a completely secluded life in the US. They form a mini-TN or mini-Kerala for themselves out here and are completely happy with it. They don't interact with anybody they don't go out very often. They don't wanna discover anything. Their life is a misery which only they understand.
As for the rest of the Indians, they mix up but, that mix up is limited to only Indians. They won't mix up with any of the natives. I've yet to meet a Indian guy from my last 2 years of experience in London and Houston who had really 'pally' English or American friends.
The only interaction with natives is on a office lunch , or a special party from the office like Christmas. Some of them, to show thier affections to thier bosses call them on dinner at home.
Also out of my 1.5 years of experience in London I might have spotted atmost 2wice or thrice some "British Indians" hanging around with native junta. Indians abroad have a community of thier own and they only limit themselves to that. Yes, I am also talking about 90% "British Indians" too.
So, "I won't earn as much money in India", what could this mean? When I think of myself saying this, the only thought that creeps into my mind is, I'm afraid of going back and making big on my own back in my own country. There is a fear in the mind, that I will need to work long hours, I will need to get into petty politics and after that what will I get? just a promotion? Instead of that I rather stay in US or UK so that I make more money.
Life for Indians in US as far as I can see is, " Something good will happen tomorrow. So let's wait and see. If it dosen't happen at least we'll have more money!"
I'm now convinced after thinking this through over and over that this is pure escapism. I'm no longer afraid of making it big in my own country. Only if I need fast cash will I ever travel abroad. And I will never settle abroad. It's not my piece of cake!
This is the confusion I've solved.