Better Life!
So what am I doing lately with my health?
Every weekend, 3 beers, a quarter of Vodka. Sorry ass fatty punjabi food in restaurants. Where the hell am I going to go with this? 100 kg by the age of 30? Or dead by the weight of fats itself !!
Time to put an end to this misery. I am quitting all sorts of fatty foods (except beer. Aww c'mon I can't quit that!)
A jog in the morning.
Taking stairs wherever I go.
But, you'll say this is alright. everybody does it. What's new with it. Same old initial josh !!
As usual I am going to the extreme!! Life isn't fun without crooked thought, is it?
I am buying a bicycle! Anybody interested in selling it second hand?
But Why?
I keep frequenting to my friends' places who live in Kalyani Nagar. Morever, now-a-days going out of Kalyani Nagar is stupidity. We've got everything there. A multiplex, a shopping mall, several restaurants and the most important, A DECENT BAR! Unless you wanna go on a long trip outside Pune why will you go out?
Everytime I go to these nearby places I take out my car or the two wheeler wasting fuel and polluting the environment.
And as it is I need to shed that extra flab. Not that I'm fat, but I am 6 kg overweight as per the instructor of my last gym stint.
So, just like it was in school you are going to find me hanging around the neighbourhood on a bicycle! I'm saying no to polluting the environment. I'm saying no to a sedentry lifestyle.Enough is enough.
Most importantly, I care about my mother earth and wish that you guys start caring too.
So learn from me now. Go and buy a bi-cycle.